

BETVLCTOR伟德官方网站致力于对每一份申请进行全面彻底的审查, with a careful consideration of the following: academic program and performance; personal essay; recommendations; and co-curricular activities. 我们想象申请人作为BETVLCTOR伟德官方网站社区的一员会是什么样子, 在课堂内外积极参与.


BETVLCTOR伟德官方网站保留审查和作出决定的权利的文件,包括, at minimum, an application, transcript, 还有一封推荐信.


从2021年秋季开始,BETVLCTOR伟德官方网站大学将对所有学生实行免考政策. 这意味着学生不再需要提交SAT或ACT成绩. International students for whom English is not their first language must submit the TOEFL, IELTS, 或多邻国英语测试.


Yes, if a student takes the SAT or ACT more than once, we will consider your best score. The best SAT score is determined by combining the highest score received on each section from any combination of testing dates; note that we will not combine subscores from the new and old versions of the SAT. Best ACT score is also determined by combining the highest score received on each section from any combination of testing dates.


Students who choose to submit SAT or ACT scores as part of their application can send official scores or self-report scores through the Common Application, QuestBridge应用程序, or through the Self-Reported Test Scores form in the Application Status Portal form checklist. Students who self-report scores as part of their application to Scripps and choose to enroll are required to submit official score reports. 如果自我报告的测试分数与官方分数之间存在差异, 这可能会影响学生的录取. 请注意我们是这么做的 not 接受托福,雅思或多邻国英语测试的自我报告测试成绩.


The appropriate Scripps academic department will determine waiver of major requirements or placement into advanced courses based upon AP or IB courses and scores. 了解有关AP学分的更多信息 here or visit the Registrar’s site for more information.


是的,你可以提交你的作品集作为你申请的一部分. A portfolio is optional material and is not required for admission to Scripps College. 请通过SlideRoom在通用申请中提交您的作品集. Your Common Application must be submitted prior to submitting your SlideRoom portfolio.



提前决定II: 1月14日



Scripps will consider all applicants who indicate their legal sex as female submitted through the Common Application, 除了那些自认为是女性的申请者.  Therefore, an applicant who indicates legal sex as male or X and self-identifies as a woman is eligible to be considered for admission.  Applicants who indicated their legal sex as male or X submitted through the Common Application and who do not identify as a woman are not eligible to be considered for admission.  Scripps does not require government-issued documentation to verify sex or gender identity.


Early Decision is an excellent option for students who know that Scripps is their top-choice college. It is a binding process that provides an early application review and notification of admission decision.

常规决策是我们传统的应用程序选项, and the majority of admitted students are evaluated and offered admission during Regular Decision. See 申请的最后期限.


如果60美元的申请费对你或你的家庭来说是一个经济负担, you may request a fee waiver on the profile screen in the Common Application fee waiver section.


BETVLCTOR伟德官方网站100%满足被录取学生的经济需求. 一年级申请者的经济资助在入学时发放. Submission of the CSS/Financial Aid PROFILE and FAFSA is required for first-year students who wish to be considered for financial aid. 资助教育可能是一项令人困惑,有时甚至令人生畏的任务, and the College is committed to working with families to best understand a student’s individual financial situation and provide concise, timely information. 欲伟德bevictor中文版信息,请联系财政援助办公室.


所有一年级申请者都可以获得15美元起的奖学金,000 to $30,000 annually, 最高奖项是詹姆斯E. Scripps Scholarship. Scholarships are awarded to applicants whose strong academic performance and school or community involvement indicate they will add vitality and intellectual value to our campus. All scholarships are renewable for four years and applicants are notified whether they have been awarded a scholarship at the time of admission. 无需额外填写表格或提前申请. 有关奖学金的问题请联系招生办公室.


We understand that students applying to college may face catastrophic natural disasters which will inevitably impact the college admission process. 如果你在录取过程中受到自然灾害的影响, email 或者打电话给我们讨论延期的办法.